Vanity Fair interview with director Rob Lambert of CUCK

It’s been a roller coaster of a couple of weeks for us with the release of our controversial film CUCK. Well… “controversial” I suppose only if you consider a very small but very loud group of openly bigoted keyboard warriors working themselves up into an absolute frenzy over it.

In general I tend to think that if you’re pissing off nazis then you’re probably doing the right thing so I’m not sure if “controversial” is even the right word for what this film is but it’s certainly hot button and timely.

We’re just about at the end the film’s official theatrical run this week with a few theater’s extending us into another week and it’s been a total press bonanza from the jump. We’ve been covered in nearly every major publication with most giving us pretty high marks including The Hollywood Reporter, The Guardian and Vanity Fair (linked below).

On the other side there’s the predictable avalanche of white nationalist bloggers and internet trolls foaming at the mouth about being forced to look into an unforgiving mirror.

Interestingly enough the New York Times absolutely HATED it for reasons that sadly seem all too similar to the complaints of the nazi internet trolls so that was an interesting reveal. The truth can be a pretty tough pill to swallow.

Definitely take a look at this Vanity Fair feature linked below discussing the film and the firestorm it has created with director Rob Lambert and lead actor Zachery Ray Sherman:

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No Activity, Season 3 release


CUCK gets U.S. theatrical release